Curriculum Vitæ

This CV contains most of the things I have identified, without any particular selection or filter: I keep it mostly to keep track of things I do, and their presence here is no indication of importance. I have also added links to articles I’ve written here when they are relevant: leaving a position, joining a new company, etc. This is not a résumé, but a description of not only what I did, but also why.

My career is deeply rooted in my early involvement in free software, open source and GNU/Linux, and from that starting point I’ve grown through different experiences and challenges: programming, systems administration, solution design, business cases, Enterprise Architecture, architectural leadership.

While I have necessarily learned and adopted plenty on the pre-sales/sales side (including business constraints and how value propositions are often not centred around the technical aspects), I have always kept myself close to technology, which is why you’ll find roles around cloud computing, AI, Quantum computing, Data Science, IoT, and others.

Professional Experience

Cloud & Architecture Lead for Southwest and East Europe (SAS Institute) 2021 –

(See Joining SAS as Cloud & Architecture Lead. A new challenge which I’ve been greatly enjoying, an international role that is both challenging and fulfilling.)

Chief Architect (IBM) 2013 – 2021

(See Farewell IBM!. Where I was able to do things that I could only imagine before.)

Technical Solutions Architect (IBM) 2007 – 2013

Systems Engineer (Novabase) 2006–2007

The short stay here was due to very special circumstances. I appreciated the opportunity, although my scope was only tangentially related with my core skills after a while.

Unix Systems Administrator (Edinfor/LogicaCMG) 2003–2007

Where I really learned what managing critical systems was about, and had my hands in everything from AIX to HP-UX, including programming the boot loader of old Sparc systems in Forth and dealing with DCE.

System Administrator (IT-LOG) 2001–2003.

“I really like this Unix thing, I think I could be paid for it”. Moving from programming to system administation.

Developer (Cap Gemini Ernst & Young) 1998–2001.

Apparently, learning to program in C because you found this gcc command in your GNU/Linux system can get you paid.

Logistics, Transportation & Organisation Office at the 8th Ibero-American Summit (Foreign Office) 1998.

Large international event, it was exceptionally rewarding to be in the thick of it.


BSc in Physics (ongoing, current average 2:1). Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.

An old passion, I applied to Physics after “forcing” myself to catch up with decades of Mathematics – when I had to make a decision, the established practice was for Humanities students to stop having Math courses. I will be forever in debt to Khan Academy, since it provived me with the framework to relearn what I had forgotten, and start learning new things, which prepared me for Calculus, Linear Algebra, and the rest – but more than that, it made me enjoy every step of it. I was also partially driven to it due it by wanting to understand Quantum computing at a deeper level.

MA in Archaeology (thesis submission pending, current average 1st Class). Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.

The logical follow-up to my initial choice, this time at a deeper level. I continued to apply my IT knowledge in useful ways, and that’s just scratching the tip of the iceberg.

BA in Archaeology (Honours – 1st Class), Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon.

I was split between Physics and Archaeology when I had to make a decision (that was when I was around 15 years old). Never regretted it, and actually ended up making the same choice again when it was time to go back and finish it, after a decade in IT.

Selected certification

Language skills

Selected open-source contributions & projects

Technical skills overview

Programming languages

Python, R, Common Lisp, Objective-C, C, JavaScript, Go, Clojure, Java, shell scripting.

Operating Systems

GNU/Linux, AIX, Solaris, BSD,

Cloud platforms & tools

Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, IBM Cloud, OpenShift, Heroku, CloudFoundry, Knative, Terraform, Bicep, ARM.

Machine learning, AI, & Data Science frameworks

Jupyter, scikit-learn, SAS, MXNet, Tensorflow, Caffe.

Big Data Frameworks

Apache Spark, Hadoop, Flink.

Scientific production

Octave, MATLAB, LaTeX, RStudio.

Selected courses & badges

OpenShift Administration, Improving Deep Neural Networks (DeepLearning.AI), Machine Learning with Python, MATLAB Onramp, Deep Learning Onramp (Mathworks), Data Analysis with Python, R Programming, Google Professional Cloud Architect: Hybrid.

Selected papers, articles & projects

  1. Muñoz, Frederico (2023). Budō Lineage Tree — community-based platform for creating an universal database of martial arts, written in JavaScript with Node.js, Cytoscape.js, Bulma, Parcel.js, and TimeLineJS. Uses GitHub Actions for converting the YAML-based database into an interactive visualisation.
  2. Muñoz, Frederico (2022). Open Data and Data Science: Analysis of the Parliamentary Activity of the XIII and XIV Legislatures. — covered in the national media, developed in Python with Pandas, scikit-lean, numpy, Seaborn.
  3. Muñoz, Frederico (2021) English Proficiency Index 2020: a closer look by language family — (SAS)
  4. Muñoz, Frederico (2019). Tracking Cassini: a proof-of-concept serverless service using OpenWhisk with FORTRAN and the NASA SPICE toolkit — FORTRAN, Matlab, Apache OpenWhisk (serverless functions).
  5. Muñoz, Frederico (2018). Atægina: an explorable geographical database for Lisbon archaeological sites. — QGIS, Python, Flask, Folium, PostgreSQL with PostGIS.
  6. Muñoz, Frederico (2017). Using Watson for skin lesions identification (IBM Data Science Experience, 9th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering) — Jupyter, Python, Watson API.
  7. Muñoz, Frederico (2017). Watson IoT with Common Lisp: using ABCL with Eclipse Paho for IoT integration via MQTT (developerWorks Recipes) — Common Lisp, Clojure, MQTT.
  8. Muñoz, Frederico (2017). Creating an OpenWhisk Web Action: creating an image conversion action and using it from R. (developerWorks Recipes) — tutorial on serverless computing, using R and OpenWhisk.
  9. Muñoz, Frederico (2011). IBM PowerVM deployment modeling features for virtualization. developerWorks.

Selected Conference Presentations & Seminars


Kubernetes 1.26 Release Webinar (CNCF). Official Kubernetes webinar on the v1.26 release.

Higher Education’s New Normal (HUMANE). Speaker on this international conference on higher education, providing an industry view of the impact of the pandemic through data.


Quantum Roadmap & Qiskit (Instituto Superior Técnico). Demonstration of Quantum programming using Qiskit, Quantum roadmap for academia and industry.


Journey to Cloud (Think Digital Summit). Host of the session and presenter.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare (Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra). Invited lecturer.

IDC Multicloud Webinar Series (IDC). Speaker on IT Strategy in a Hybrid Multicloud era.

Physics Engineering Journeys (Instituto Superior Técnico). Presentation and demonstration of Quantum computing.


Medical decision and Artificial Intelligence (CUF Descobertas Hospital). Speaker, IBM Watson for healthcare & AI.

Physics Engineering Journeys (Instituto Superior Técnico). Invited speaker for an industry PoV and presenter on Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and the connection with Physics.

Portuguese Cardiology Congress. Speaker on the session “In the future, the cardiologist best friends will be...”, on the topic of AI, healthcare and “Watson-like” decision support.


Turning the City of Braga into a Smart City (Cisco, Braga City). As the architect for the solution I participated in the public reference video with Cisco and the City of Braga.

Data Science in (Astro)particle Physics and the Bridge to Industry (LIP). Speaker, IBM’s work in Data Science, AI and quantum computing.

Artificial Intelligence and Smart(er) Cities: Challenges and opportunities amidst a digital disruption (FICIS, Braga). Keynote speaker on Smart Cities.

Dialogue response and processing: Resources and tools (TechLING, UAL). Presentation on AI applied to language processing and aquisition.

Pfizer Townhall Talks (Pfizer). Speaker, Watson for Health: Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences & Healthcare.

Think Lisbon Summit. Speaker, IoT, beyond connectivity and data. Responsible the IoT demonstrations prepared and centered on intelligent vehicles.

FICIS International Smart Cities Summit (Braga). Speaker and panel member on AI and Smart Cities.

HUMANE Spring Seminar: Digital Transformation and Higher Education. Invited speaker, A view from the bridge of the Big Tech Sector: AI and Big Data.


9th Workshop on Biomedical Engineering (Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon). Speaker,

Cognitive systems and AI. Responsible for the delivery of a hands-on workshop on using image recognition in the context of melanoma identification (Jupyter, machine learning).

Cognitive Analytics – BI Talks (NOVA IMS). Seminar integrated in the Postgraduate Programme in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence. Part of the panel and speaker.

Research Day (Faculty of Medicine, Lisbon). Speaker to an audience of medical students, researchers and MDs, Watson for Healthcare and Life Sciences.

1st Yearly Lisboa Living+ Conference (University of Lisbon). Invited speaker and member of the debate panel on the topic of Big Data applied to healthcare.

IBM Services in Action! (Altis, Belém): speaker on the topic of automation, cognitive systems and data analysis.

IBM Ecosystem Summit (Lisbon): speaker on IoT with demonstration of weather sensing integration with IoT platform.


IBM Smarter Cities e Cidades do Futuro (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar). Speaker on Smart Cities and IoT, in the context of the post-graduate programme in Business Intelligence.


IBM Smarter Cities e Cidades do Futuro (Instituto Politécnico de Tomar). idem.


Evocation of the great fire of Chiado (Lisbon City Hall). Speaker and presenter of the developed solution for the event to the City Mayor and officials.


2.º Summit on Formal and Semi-formal methds in Architecture. (Escola Superior Artística do Porto): invited lecturer on Smart Cities and implication for city development and urbanism.

Esri Users Conference (Esri). Speaker, Intelligent Operation Center and geographical contextualisation of data.

Honours & Awards


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