Interactive embedded development with uLisp, Arduino and Emacs


AS I MENTIONED IN MY ’POST ABOUT ADA’, LISP HAS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT APPROACH in terms of... well, just about everything, beginning with the type system. One important feature of Lisp environments is the high degree if interaction they provide: Lisp Systems allowed for interaction with every part of the system (OS, applications, window manager...) and to a smaller degree this is what the read-eval-print-loop approach (REPL) provides in, say, Emacs with SLIME.

One interesting language I found recently was uLisp, a Lisp language for the Arduino and MSP430 platforms. It is based on a subset of Common Lisp and provides a different approach to development: it installs an interpreter which is programmed via the serial interface, thus allowing for a much more interactive development style (at a certain cost in terms of available space).

The interaction is normally made with the Arduino IDE, via the Serial Monitor; uLisp contains a minimal editor as well, but using Emacs makes more sense and it’s actually easy to configure to that end; before going into the details this is the end result (zoom in the image if necessary to start the animation).

’Emacs and Arduino’

The main thing to consider is that inferior-lisp-mode is actually based on comint-mode, which simplifies things: we just need a way to replace the buffer created by calling inferior-lisp with a buffer that communicates via the serial port. This is, in turn, something which can be done using Emacs term-mode.

Combining all of this the following Emacs Lisp code will connect to the Arduino via the serial port, rename the resulting buffer and change to line mode.

;; Arduino LED blink
;; Based on the example at
;; 2017, Frederico Munoz <fsmunoz@>

(defun b (x s d)
  "Slowly increases and decreases the blinking interval in a loop"
  (pinmode 13 t)
  (digitalwrite 13 x)
  (delay s)
   ((< s 100) (b (not x) (+ s 50) 50))
   ((> s 1000) (b (not x) (- s 50) -50))
   (t (b (not x) (+ s d) d))))

(b t 500 50)


Creating a new Lisp file (like test.lisp) will by default enter lisp-mode; in this mode we can use C-x C-e to send the s-expression to the uLisp interpreter and get the result, as seen in the previous screencast

;; Arduino LED blink
;; Based on the example at
;; 2017, Frederico Munoz <>

(defun b (x s d)
  "Slowly increases and decreases the blinking interval in a loop"
  (pinmode 13 t)
  (digitalwrite 13 x)
  (delay s)
   ((< s 100) (b (not x) (+ s 50) 50))
   ((> s 1000) (b (not x) (- s 50) -50))
   (t (b (not x) (+ s d) d))))

(b t 500 50)

I’ve put the Lisp code on Github as well)

This document was generated on August 28, 2024 using texi2any.