
▪  Height and weight in Judo an analysis of Olympic athletes  2024-07-25
▪  On Judo grading  2024-02-24
▪  Joining Kubernetes 1.30 Release Lead team  2024-02-10
▪  Kubernetes 1.29 «Mandala» Released  2023-12-16
▪  Excipit Kubernetes v1.28, Incipit Kubernetes v1.29  2023-08-30
▪  Creating a web page and blog, the Texinfo way.  2023-08-10
▪  Analysing political distance by voting behaviour alone.  2023-01-10
▪  Kubernetes 1.26 Release Team, Comms Lead.  2022-09-01
▪  I’m joining the Kubernetes 1.25 Release Team!  2022-08-15
▪  Participating in HUMANE conference on the hybrid campus of the future  2022-06-01
▪  Voting analysis work used as source for fact-checking  2021-01-20
▪  Article on voting analysis published in Expresso  2021-12-14
▪  Article on voting analysis published in Rádio Renascença  2021-11-29
▪  Documentation-as-Code, now at SAS with SASpy and knitr  2021-10-08
▪  Joining SAS as Cloud & Architecture Lead  2021-09-01
▪  Farewell IBM!  2021-08-20
▪  Free software timeline, and the memory of things past  2021-06-01
▪  Interactive embedded development with uLisp, Arduino and Emacs  2017-08-04
▪  On the Ada language and embedded development  2017-08-02
▪  Using MQTT in Common Lisp with ABCL and the Eclipse Paho client.  2013-07-10
▪  Publishing messages with MQTT, using Clojure and the Eclipse Paho client  2013-06-02
▪  Oracle Data Change Notification in Clojure  2013-05-15
▪  reCAPTCHA interface in Emacs Lisp  2013-01-12

This document was generated on July 25, 2024 using texi2any.